This is the front cover of the one I made for my mom:

This is the inside of the one I made for my mom:

This is the front cover of the one I made for my dad:

And this is the inside of the one I made for my dad:

As I mentioned before this snow was VERY ICY. Thats because it basically was ice. It looked like snow but if you looked very close it was all ice pellets. Well the after math of this snow left us with a sheet of very hard packed snow/ice. Its really cool because with this kind of snow/ice you can walk all over it and it will still look perfect and untouched. Well since the aftermath of this snow was hard and very icy it made for some wicked sleding conditions in the days after. Yesterday (saturday) Allison, Tate, Jenny, and I went down to a local park with some friends of theirs and went sledding. Because the snow was basically a sheet of ice the sledding was CRAZY. At all times we had to have adults standing at the bottom of the hill to dive (litteraly) for the kids so we wouldn't end up in the roads. Because the snow was so icy the sledding was really fast and the ice at the same time made it really hard to stop. Overall though we had a blast!