Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Icy Wonderland?

Makiko's recent moving away finally motivated me to get one of these blog things so we can keep in touch easier, although nothing really exciting has happened here at all for me to update this blog thing. I mean we haven't gotten ANY snow, except for some flurries here and there which always melt by the morning time. Probably the most exciting thing that has happened was last friday night instead of it snowing we got this icy/rainy/slushy mix that left a pure sheet of just under an inch of ice over everything. There was just enough ice for us to enjoy sledding down the Patterson's hill Saturday morning for a couple of hours till we wore all the ice out. Although that icy mix left a nice sheet of ice on the trampoline too! Its cold enough out that the ice is still there too now! Of course as soon as we stepped on the ice it cracked into a million little pieces, but now I'm sure you'll find all the neighboor hood kids out there on the trampoline everyday after school! Having the ice on the trampoline makes it really fun to jump around because you are slipping and sliding all over the trampoline from one side of it to another. Here are some picture of us having a blast on the icy trampoline!

Me Doing a nosedive! (not really, its a flip, but it looks like one!)
Me sliding across the Trampoline
If you look closely at the picture above you'll see a blue a yellow spec being flung into the air with the ice, well thats Tate, haha.

Me and Brea slipping into each other hehe

Lucy sliding across the trampoline or her stomach maybe? or maybe just lying there hehe

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